Helping you live your best Life with Vision Loss
LLBS host Twice Loved Clothes Sale
We are hosting a Twice Loved clothes sale on Saturday 22nd February at the Pavilion on London Road in Louth from 10am. Stall holders will be selling their nearly new preloved clothes, shoes, bags etc and proceeds from the rental of a stall will go to LLBS. We will also be holding a raffle! For…
LLBS is Crowdfunding!
Did you know £177,509,619 worth of benefits are unclaimed in Lincolnshire according to the think tank Policy in Practice. Our Benefits project focuses on helping our members to claim the benefits they are entitled to by filling in the forms on their behalf and checking on the progress of their claim. We are crowd funding…
LLBS wins a reindeer!
We are delighted to have been nominated by an anonymous supporter to be winners in the Celebrate Your Community Project Competition by britishgardencentres. Ingrid is pictured receiving the light up reindeer from Louth Garden Centre manager Ashley Reeson.
Christmas Craft Fair
The LLBS Christmas Craft fair is on Wednesday 27th November at the Eastgate Union Church in Louth opposite Morrisons from 10am.
Our Impact
people accessed the LLBS individual needs led personal service
Issues addressed
Volunteers work with LLBS
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